To build off of the About Us statement, the foundation of our faith is that God is like Jesus.
This is supported by Jesus' own statements that up to him, it was as if nobody actually knew God or had seen him. In comparison to the revelation of God enfleshed in Jesus, it is as if we knew nothing.
Such a view is supported in Hebrews 1:3 and Colossians 2:9. In Jesus, God existed fully, and revealed himself into history - clearly, correctively, and completely. Thus, Jesus is the diffinitive revelation of God, and is therefore the lens by which we view all else.
A focal point for the realization of this is found at the Mount of Transfiguration. You can read more about it here.
We futher believe on some key issues:
God is eternal, existing outside of time and space as we can perceive it, yet he is intimately tied to everything as he is existence itself. Thus, it is by lending of himself that everything exists and is sustained.
It is into this lending space that God entered into reality, time and space, through Jesus. The Son came to live such an exemplary life that even those who do not embrace Christianity can often embrace his teaching. In his life and death, Jesus defeated the powers of evil.
Now that Jesus has left this earth, in his place the Holy Spirit is presently at work.
Faith isn't always easy. It might be described as a terrifying leap into a transcendent relationship with God. It is a relationship that can make sense at times, and at other times it can seem you are white knuckling it to hang on and make it through with barely a wisp of faith left.
But at the end of the day, we carry on in faith because God works with what we know, feel, and experience to enrapture our soul and our imagination with the vision of where our faith will take us, and it is worth it.